About page (Mentions légales / Impressum)
As this is neither a Blog, nor a commercial, but a purely private internet site aimed at education and as I do not have any intention to make money with it, there is legally no necessity to have an "About page" ("Mentions légales", "Impressum").
Further information on this legal situation can be found here:
(1) for France (see under: "Les mentions légales pour les sites n’agissant pas à titre professionnel") : https://www.legalplace.fr/guides/mentions-legales/
(2) for Germany (see under: "Impressum auch für private Webseiten"?): https://www.e-recht24.de/artikel/datenschutz/209.html#;
(3) for other German speaking countries in Europe, the legal situation is similar (see under: "Is an Impressum legally required"?): https://www.iubenda.com/en/help/7816-impressum-what-is-it-and-when-is-it-needed#required
I do not use cookies either (other than those possibly used by Jimdo, the provider of this Internet site).
Pictures with no reference to an author (most of them are credited) are either self-made or - if taken from the net - in the public
I am Rudi (AstroRudi on certain forums in Germany and France).
As a purely visual amateur astronomer for more than 50 years, my interest in astro-photography is very limited. I am nevertheless talking about photography on this site
whenever I thought it was necessary to have a complete picture and I tried to take into account all implications for photography I am aware of. You will also find a lot of objects on my
other site "Dancing with the stars", which are difficult to observe visually, but mainly reserved to photographers.
You may find a bit more information about me on the last page of my other site ("Copyright/contacts")
For improvement proposals and other positive and negative critics, please write to:
Portaball (.. at ..) tutanota.com
And yes, ... if you would like to set a link to my site, I am proudly agreeing to it.
Happy star gazing and clear skies
[Site last modified: 11/03/2024]
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